Our Strategy

  • Build relationships

    The importance of relationships is crucial for long-term success. We cultivate relationships with local leaders, communities, and organizations based on mutual respect and reciprocity. They understand the unique challenges they face and are best positioned to lead adaptation efforts.

  • Identify most vulnerable villages

    The effects of climate change will not be uniform. Based on environmental and socioeconomic conditions, different locations will experience very different impacts. Working closely with our local partners, we identify which villages and environments are most at risk.

  • Innovate solutions

    Innovation happens from the robust exchange of ideas, experimentation, and commitment to continual improvement. It is a collaborative process of teams NOT individuals. We partner with local leaders, entrepreneurs, and engineers to drive climate innovation and adaptation.

  • Pilot projects

    The most promising ideas we turn into pilot projects. These allow us to test which ideas will have the most real-world impact. We select projects for this stage by their potential magnitude of impact, probability of success, capacity for local leadership, and ability to scale.

  • Bring to Scale

    We leverage our financial resources and networks to bring the most effective pilot projects to scale. We evaluate pilot projects by their impact, cost-effectiveness, local leadership, and suitability for other locations.