We support mountain communities and environments adapt to climate change.

Our focus is the Himalayas.

Known as the 3rd pole, the Himalayas have more snow and ice than any location outside of the arctic and antarctic. They provide fresh water and resources for over one billion people. They are also experiencing some of the most dramatic impacts of climate change.

Impacts of Climate Change

Temperatures have risen twice as fast in the Himalayas as the global average. Rapidly melting glaciers and retreating snow lines are creating a water crisis.

For communities that rely solely on glacial melt to irrigate their crops, this has been devastating. Many have experienced widespread crop failure and death of much of their livestock.

Our Strategy

Adapting to climate change is going to require innovation. Climate change has created problems that are new and daunting. They will require new and creative solutions to overcome them.

Community-led efforts will also be crucial for success. We work in collaboration with communities and local organizations to develop ideas, pilot projects, and bring the most promising ones to scale.

Our Solutions

Our solutions mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and bring access to sustainable water to mountain communities. They include solar water pumps, artificial glaciers, ice stupas, and improved irrigation.

Many of these solutions originated from local partners and communities. They are the true climate innovators and heroes. We work closely with them to continue developing new ideas and better approaches to ensure we can best fulfill our mission.


Langmi Village Solar Water Project

Langmi Village is experiencing a water crisis. Help bring
sustainable water to the community.